
Envisioning the Digital Transformation


Rishi to all who are inquisitive: An academic and research institute, and a mobile app to support you in academic or professional objectives.


Project 1: The Impact of Mental Health Counseling on Post-War Trauma

Project Description:

A longitudinal study that:

  • Situation: Investigated the somatic, adaptation, and distress outcomes of post-war trauma survivors in Sri Lanka.
  • Task: Assessed the effectiveness of mental health counseling for improving the well-being and functioning of the survivors.
  • Action: Developed a statistical tool using VBA to perform multivariate analysis of the data collected from three counseling sessions.
  • Result: Quantified the mental health improvement of the participants by 23% on average and provided recommendations for future interventions.


  • Developed a statistical tool (for multivariate techniques).
  • Conducted data analysis and the self-developed statistical tool to interpret the mental health progress of the participants over three counseling sessions.
  • Provided statistical analysis consultation and guidance to the project team and the NGO staff.
  • Prepared and reviewed project documentation, including data collection instruments, data quality assurance protocols, and project reports.

Project 2: Rishi – Study Buddy App


The Rishi Study Buddy App aims to empower students by enhancing their study habits, productivity, and overall academic performance. It provides a holistic approach to learning, combining planning, execution, and analysis.

Key Features:

  1. Personalized Study Plans:
    • Rishi allows students to create customized study schedules based on their individual needs, subjects, and goals.
    • Users can set study hours, allocate time for specific topics, and prioritize tasks.
  2. Task Management:
    • The app helps students break down their study goals into manageable tasks.
    • Users can add assignments, quizzes, and reading materials to their to-do lists.
    • Reminders and notifications keep them on track.
  3. Progress Tracking:
    • Rishi provides real-time progress tracking.
    • Students can mark completed tasks, track study hours, and visualize their progress over time.
    • Insights into study patterns help identify areas for improvement.
  4. Visualization Tools:
    • Interactive dashboards display study data in an easy-to-understand format.
    • Charts and graphs show study time distribution, subject performance, and overall progress.
    • Visual cues motivate students to stay consistent.
  5. Predictive Analytics:
    • Rishi uses historical data to predict future performance.
    • Based on study patterns, it estimates exam scores and suggests adjustments to study plans.
    • Predictive insights empower students to make informed decisions.
  6. Collaboration and Support:
    • Students can connect with peers, form study groups, and share study materials.
    • A chat feature allows communication within the app.
    • Rishi also provides access to educational resources and tips.

User Experience:

  1. Clean and Intuitive Interface:
    • Rishi’s user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience.
    • Minimalistic layouts and clear navigation enhance usability.
  2. Motivational Elements:
    • Celebrate milestones (e.g., completing a study goal) with encouraging messages or virtual rewards.
    • Gamification features can make studying more engaging.
  3. Responsive Design:
    • Rishi works flawlessly across devices—mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.
    • Responsive web design ensures accessibility for all users.

Implementation Details:

  1. Technology Stack:
    • Choose a suitable tech stack (e.g., React Native, Flutter, or native development).
    • Backend services for data storage and analytics (e.g., Firebase, AWS).
  2. Security and Privacy:
    • Implement robust security measures to protect user data.
    • Ensure compliance with privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA, etc.).


Consider different monetization models:

  1. Freemium Model:
    • Basic Features for Free: The core features of Rishi, including study planning, progress tracking, and concentration boosters, remain free for all users.
    • Premium Subscription: Offer an upgraded version (Rishi Pro) with advanced features:
      • Advanced Analytics: In-depth insights, personalized recommendations, and customized study plans.
      • Unlimited Study Goals: Remove any limitations on the number of study goals users can set.
      • Ad-Free Experience: No ads for premium subscribers.
      • Priority Support: Faster response times and dedicated customer support.
    • Subscription Pricing: Set a reasonable monthly or yearly subscription fee for Rishi Pro.
  2. In-App Purchases:
    • Additional Study Materials:
      • Offer premium study resources such as e-books, practice quizzes, or video lectures.
      • Students can purchase these materials within the app.
    • Themes and Customization:
      • Provide attractive themes or skins for the app interface.
      • Users can buy or unlock different themes to personalize their Rishi experience.
    • Concentration Enhancers:
      • Sell audio tracks (e.g., ambient sounds, binaural beats) designed to improve focus during study sessions.
      • Students can purchase these directly from the app.
  3. Advertisements:
    • Banner Ads: Display non-intrusive banner ads at the bottom or top of the app screens.
    • Interstitial Ads: Show full-screen ads during natural breaks (e.g., after completing a study session).
    • Rewarded Video Ads:
      • Offer users the option to watch a short video ad in exchange for extra study time or virtual rewards (e.g., bonus points).
      • Keep these ads relevant and engaging to maintain user interest.
    • Frequency and Placement:
      • Be mindful not to overwhelm users with too many ads.
      • Opt for strategic placements that don’t disrupt the study flow.
  4. Sponsored Content:
    • Collaborate with educational content providers, publishers, or study material creators.
    • Feature sponsored articles, tips, or recommended resources within the app.
    • Clearly label sponsored content to maintain transparency.
  5. Affiliate Marketing:
    • Partner with online bookstores, stationery suppliers, or productivity tools.
    • Recommend relevant products to users (e.g., textbooks, planners, noise-canceling headphones).
    • Earn a commission for each successful referral.

Marketing and Launch:

  1. Create a compelling landing page for Rishi.
  2. Leverage social media, educational forums, and student communities for promotion.
  3. Collaborate with educational institutions for beta testing and feedback.

Remember, Rishi isn’t just an app—it’s a study companion that empowers students to enhance the concentration power on their academic journey.

Project 3: Rishi for Industrial Statistical Applications


Rishi for Industrial Statistical Applications is your gateway to mastering advanced statistical methods within the context of industrial settings. Whether you’re in business, finance, healthcare, education, or any other field, Rishi empowers you to elevate your analytical skills and drive digital transformation (DX).

Key Features:

  1. Tailored Learning Paths:
    • Customize your learning journey based on your industry and specific needs.
    • Dive deep into statistical concepts relevant to your domain.
  2. Advanced Techniques Covered:
    • Multivariate Analysis: Understand relationships among multiple variables.
    • Linear Models: Predict outcomes based on linear relationships.
    • Generalized Linear Models: Extend linear models to non-normal data.
    • Mixed Models: Handle correlated data and random effects.
    • Survival Analysis: Explore time-to-event data.
    • Time Series Analysis: Forecast trends and patterns.
    • Bayesian Statistics: Embrace probabilistic modeling.
  3. Software Proficiency: Learn to use statistical software effectively.
    • SPSS
    • Minitab
    • SAS
    • Excel (VBA)
    • R
    • Python
  4. Consultation Services:
    • Need guidance on statistical tool development? Rishi has you covered.
    • Consult with experts to optimize your statistical workflows.

Why Choose Rishi for Industrial Statistics?

  1. Practical Application: Bridge theory and real-world scenarios.
  2. Industry-Relevant Examples: Learn from case studies and practical examples.
  3. Career Advancement: Boost your professional profile with statistical expertise.
  4. Community Support: Connect with fellow learners and industry professionals.

Whether you’re analyzing production data, optimizing processes, or making data-driven decisions, Rishi equips you with the statistical prowess needed for success. Let’s transform your industrial analytics journey!

Project 4: Rishi for Statistical Research and Analysis


Rishi for Statistical Research and Analysis is a comprehensive platform designed to support students, researchers, and academics throughout their data-driven projects. Whether you’re working on a research paper, a project, or a thesis, Rishi provides the tools and guidance you need from start to finish.

Key Features:

  1. Data Collection and Organization:
    • Gather and manage data efficiently.
    • Organize datasets for analysis.
  2. Descriptive and Inferential Analysis:
    • Explore data using descriptive statistics.
    • Conduct inferential analyses (hypothesis testing, regression, etc.).
  3. Univariate and Multivariate Techniques:
    • Dive into univariate analysis (histograms, box plots, etc.).
    • Explore multivariate relationships (correlations, factor analysis, etc.).
  4. Guided Documentation:
    • From project inception to conclusion, Rishi assists in documenting your findings.
    • Create detailed reports, summaries, and visualizations.
  5. Scope Management:
    • Stay within the defined scope of your documentation.
    • Set clear objectives and achieve them effectively.

Why Choose Rishi?

  1. Efficiency: Rishi streamlines your research process, saving you time and effort.
  2. Insights: Gain valuable insights from your data.
  3. Collaboration: Collaborate with peers and mentors seamlessly.
  4. Empowerment: Let Rishi empower your academic journey.

Whether you’re a student embarking on your first research project or an experienced researcher seeking efficient tools, Rishi is your trusted companion. Let’s elevate your research and analysis together!

Project 5: Rishi for Courses with Statistics Subject


Rishi for Courses with Statistics Subject is a specialized platform catering to students seeking in-depth knowledge and practical skills in statistics. Whether you’re pursuing a degree, preparing for competitive exams, or simply interested in mastering statistical concepts, Rishi has you covered.

Key Features:

  1. Online Class Sessions:
    • Engage in live, interactive classes led by experienced statisticians.
    • Dive into topics like statistical methods, probability theory, and data analysis.
  2. Personalized Guidance:
    • Tailored support for individual students or study groups.
    • Clarify doubts, discuss complex concepts, and explore real-world applications.
  3. Assignment Assistance:
    • Struggling with statistics assignments? Rishi provides step-by-step solutions.
    • Learn how to analyze data, interpret results, and present findings effectively.
  4. Project Topics and Research Guidance:
    • Explore exciting project ideas related to statistics.
    • Receive mentorship on research methodology, data collection, and statistical modeling.
  5. Career Pathways:
    • Discover job roles in data science, research, finance, and academia.
    • Prepare for interviews and build a strong foundation in statistical techniques.

Why Choose Rishi for Statistics Courses?

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering essential topics from basic to advanced statistics.
  2. Expert Faculty: Learn from seasoned statisticians passionate about teaching.
  3. Flexible Learning: Access classes anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.
  4. Community Support: Connect with fellow learners and share insights.

Whether you’re a beginner or aiming to enhance your statistical expertise, Rishi is your guide. Let’s unravel the world of data and probabilities together!

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